Monday, February 25, 2013

Snowmaggedon/Snowpocalypse Part II

Well, we're in for it again. Last week we got probably 6-10" of snow at my house (If someone could teach me how they measure snowfall, I'd love to know. I have areas of 2ft deep drifts, & other areas where the grass is still poking through. I just guessed on a happy medium.) We're expected to get another 4-10" today & tomorrow.
Here's a neat video I found that shows a time lapse of the last snow storm in Spring Hill, KS.
I really don't mind the snow. We definitely need the moisture. My Chevy Blazer's 4x4, so I'm not too worried about getting stuck...
But in my defense, my 4x4 only works when it wants to. In this instance, it didn't work in time for me to keep myself from sliding into that drift. Chad's used to non-4x4 vehicles, so he doesn't have any problem getting around in this thing. To me, SUV's are utterly useless without it. I just let Chad do the driving when the roads are bad.

As for the animals, they have varying views about the weather.
Rox is so little, he can usually walk on top of the snow, but when he falls through, the poor guy just about gets buried in it. He tries to stick to walking in someone else's footprints, but sometimes he has to blaze his own trail.
Cooper adores the snow. This dog prefers being outside, even when it's frigid cold & blowing snow. He runs through it, tries to get the other dogs to play with him, & when we try to bring him back inside, he usually just flops down in the snow & refuses to move. Today, even a treat wouldn't tempt him back inside when I left for work, so I unwillingly left him in his snow-drifted pen, where he was quite content to lay in the snow instead of his doghouse.
The horses usually don't mind the snow, unless it's blowing or coming down really fast.

And I do apologize for posting so many pictures. I'm a very visual person, & I love having pictures to go along with whatever I'm talking about.

If we get as much snow as they're saying we will, I'm very well prepared to sit at home with a cup of hot chocolate & marshmallows, snuggle up on the couch with Chad, & watch Roseanne re-runs all day. We've got a generator in the shed, a well-stocked freezer, & a Crockpot ready to whip up some delicious hot dinners for cold evenings. Bring it on, Mother Nature!

Happy Trails, all. Stay safe & warm!

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